Warhammer 40K - Pity Me

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Re: Warhammer 40K - Pity Me

by Rev Hellfire » Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:31 pm

I had started a Grey Knights army awhile back when I first got back into Warhammer 40K.
But at the time hadn't picked up a set of Grey Knight Interceptors, a squad of highly mobile troops.
Grey Knights Interceptor Squads carry personal teleporters, allowing them to jump across the battlefield in a series of rapid, site-to-site teleportations in order to redeploy at speed or hunting down swift foes. Appearing in a blaze of light, these daemonhunters turn their arcane weapons and psychic powers on stunned enemies in a storm of death – then vanish as swiftly as they arrived.
These will teleport €55 from your pocket into the coffers at Games Workshop.

But as luck would have it, while perusing the Internet I happened upon the following.
A Teleporting Squad of Silvery Knights, which are not in anyway connected to the Grey Knights but could at a pinch act as a substitute for the more destitute amongst us.

Warhammer 40K - Pity Me

by Rev Hellfire » Tue Feb 25, 2025 3:18 pm

Pity me, I've picked up the Warhammer 40K bug again and started collecting an army.
And while I've already spent a small fortune on some starter sets, I decided to see what was available to print since I've got a resin printer.

Let's just put it like this, it's going to save me an absolute fortune. :p

Take for example the following beauty, a "Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought".
Yours for just €62.50 from the Games Workshop Store.

Or alternatively, you could just use a fan made proxy which is largely identical and print for less than a fiver.

There's not much in it between them, same height but with the resin print heavier which is a plus in my books.
And I've even found a cleaner body since printing it.
