19 April '08
I thought I'd upload a few videos from last nights PvP in LOTRO with the PuppyPatrol, which is a warg tribe that I'm in on Snowbourn.
Alas YouTube really kills the detail in these, but I might upload higher resolution xvids later.
One from the start of the night as myself and mistiq joined in the assault on TR.
Puppy Patrol - 01
Chasing a freep from TR back towards GV.
* I love this one, Mistiq blazing a trail to the escaping freep from the left like a missile.
Puppy Patrol - 02
We happened upon these two freeps riding toward lugazag to assist the freep raid there, the women of their villages will be wailing :)
* I should pay more attention or their women wouldn't have been teh only ones wailing.
Puppy Patrol - 04
Patrolling around the shores of TA.