Return to Age of Conan ? Edit: Scrach AoC, its WoW

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Expand view Topic review: Return to Age of Conan ? Edit: Scrach AoC, its WoW

by Rev Hellfire » Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:21 pm

Well after our conversation yesterday Noggie, I've gone back to WoW :)
I've rolled a human warrior on outland and will probably roll a rogue as well, come back noggie you know you want too...

Return to Age of Conan ? Edit: Scrach AoC, its WoW

by Rev Hellfire » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:24 am

I've been hearing good things about conan from a number of people the last while.
And while I'm enjoying my warden in lotro, I kind of miss the PvP side of things.

So I'm planning on re-sub'ing and see how the games faired in the past while, so I'm wondering is anyone here secretly playing it or thinking of giving it a go again ?
