Left4Dead Update

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Topic review

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Left4Dead Update

by Rev Hellfire » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:21 am

Value have released a new update for Left4Dead, of particular interest is the addition of 16 new maps.
The specific changes include:

Survival Mode:
- New gameplay Mode
- 16 maps including Last Stand
- Leaderboards
- 7 new achievements

Versus Changes:
- Fixed a case where versus team score would continue to be recalculated after the score panel was displayed
- Fixed an issue with recalculating the versus score health bonus for a player when they are rescued from being incapacitated
- Fixed being able to start a swing as an infected, then teleport to the survivors and have the claw swing hit a survivor
- Fixed a case where teleporting to the survivors would not reset the ability timer
- Fixed an exploit where you could load the chamber of a weapon with bullets by holding down the melee key
- Fixed a case where it was not possible to join a game while it was in a finale
- Fixed a rare case where listen servers would speed up the game over time
- Removed convars related to melee fatigue
- Fixed a case where infected players would get a respawn time on their initial spawn into a map

Server Changes:
- Made ms_force_dedicated_server not require cheats
- Add a message when queuing a heartbeat
- Simplified setting of game mode
- Removed convars director_no_human_zombies and director_holdout_mode
- Added mp_gamemode [coop,versus,survival]

- Added lobby join and leave messages
