Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by Rev Hellfire » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:24 am

It's been a while since I added to this.

But for those of you with android devices the following app might be a godsend.

Y5 Battery Saver
This wee application turns your wifi on and off depending on your location.
So for example when you arrive home it turns the wifi on, but once you leave heading for work it will turn it off.
Then for example if at work you had previously connected to a wifi it will re-enable it for you.

by Rev Hellfire » Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:14 am


‘tash was asking about this application so I thought perhaps its worth sticking it onto our list of ‘worthwhile’ apps.

For those who don’t know Handbrake is a video conversion application that accepts video from a number of sources including DVD, DVD File Structure along with AVI’s etc.

These can then be converted into formats compatible with a range of devices such as the iPhone, iTouch, ‘droid, PSP, PS3, Xbox etc.

I use it all the time to convert video so I can watch it on my commute to and from work.

And best of all its free :D

by Rev Hellfire » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:25 pm

Soluto - A handy startup profiler application, useful if you want to know what's taking up time at windows startup. Those seconds count...

by Rev Hellfire » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:26 pm

A few more to add to the list. This serves as a handy reference for me as much as anything else.

GIMP - Open-source image manipulation tooly.
Notepad++ - I use this one quite a bit these days.
Pidgin - Multi-protocol Instant Messaging client.

Another one I always forget the link to.

Bookmarklets - Bookmarklets are little pieces of javascript which you can save as a bookmark.
For example the 'Remember password' bookmark on the forms will make the browser ignore requests to not save the password, handy for say Yahoo! mail.

by Rev Hellfire » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:48 am

Here's a few more app's which have recently crossed my path which might prove useful to some of you.
  • TweakUAC
    First off the most useful in my book, this utility allows you to run the UAC in quiet mode.
    The advantage of this over turning it off is ie7 gets to keep it additional security features.
  • Rocket Doc
    A nice OS X like dock-bar, its pretty good once you get used to it.
  • ReNamer
    Very useful for doing mass renaming of files, such as ohh I don't know mp3's or video files you cousins have given you but inadvertently left their name stamped on.

Re: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by MoustachioedDictator » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:40 pm

Rev Hellfire wrote: Here's a nice list of apps'

http://www.freewaregenius.com/2007/10/2 ... -programs/
it certainly is. I wish I had it when i went through my clean install there before christmas :)

Re: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by Rev Hellfire » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:43 pm

Re: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by Rev Hellfire » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:16 pm

Here's one I came across today which may be of interest to those of you who wish to archive your DVD's and may have issues with *ahem* scrached DVD's causing corrupt Vobs etc.


Re: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by Rev Hellfire » Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:02 pm

Another one to add to the list, AdBlock.
It's an add-on for Firefox which lets you filter out adverts from webpages.
Well worth the install in my ohh so humble opinion.

Re: Worthwhile application/utilities you should have.

by Maximilian » Sat May 26, 2007 7:58 am

Azureus I've been using this as my bittorrent client. Works a charm.

CDBurnerXP Pro This, I've been using to burn video onto dvd's, so as to stick them in my dvd player and watch them on my 70" tv. (had to get that in. 70) simple to use.

This Not to harp on about it but. 70
