by MoustachioedDictator » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:53 pm
Backpacking is all well and good, but so are hot showers, good to be back in civilisation (no pun intended), even if I haven't yet made the last leap home. My tan has come on, but my moustache is sorry need of grooming...
With the mystical secrets of the east in my pocket, chuffed with recent success in max's game and delighted with my welcome back, I'm mustard keen for another cIV game. I'm quietly confident of a better start location than on Suave's Palace. I may in fact invent a new secret alter ego to thwart my many enemies.
I'd like to try something new, again I'd like to see a 2v2 or something, renaissance start? I think modern is too late. hell even back to classical, Caesar can dust off his Toga. Maybe some continents? Just suggestions.
Though I'm reaquainted with my laptop, I won't be in a position to get SE5 for ages yet, and though intrigued by the possibility of a replacement for Master of Orion 2, I've a clatter of other games, so I'd sit that one out
Backpacking is all well and good, but so are hot showers, good to be back in civilisation (no pun intended), even if I haven't yet made the last leap home. My tan has come on, but my moustache is sorry need of grooming...
With the mystical secrets of the east in my pocket, chuffed with recent success in max's game and delighted with my welcome back, I'm mustard keen for another cIV game. I'm quietly confident of a better start location than on Suave's Palace. I may in fact invent a new secret alter ego to thwart my many enemies.
I'd like to try something new, again I'd like to see a 2v2 or something, renaissance start? I think modern is too late. hell even back to classical, Caesar can dust off his Toga. Maybe some continents? Just suggestions.
Though I'm reaquainted with my laptop, I won't be in a position to get SE5 for ages yet, and though intrigued by the possibility of a replacement for Master of Orion 2, I've a clatter of other games, so I'd sit that one out