Would anyone be interested in a LAN party ?

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Expand view Topic review: Would anyone be interested in a LAN party ?

by Rev Hellfire » Fri May 22, 2015 8:11 am

Yeah boardgames are more convenient, just though it might be good to try something new.

Anyway planning on a game night on the 4th July, should anyone be interested in joinning me up in drogheda.

by ButcherOfNog » Tue May 19, 2015 8:55 pm

Would be a bit of fun, but I'm fishing matches every weekend over the summer, so can't really squeeze anything else in over weekends. Board games have a big advantage to them, they involve lugging less stuff around :)


Would anyone be interested in a LAN party ?

by Rev Hellfire » Mon May 04, 2015 8:36 am

Just as it says in the title, would anyone be interested in a wee LAN party some weekend?

I'm sure there are enough games we have in common that we should be able to get something going.

Don't have a particular date in mind, but say something in June to allow us to get our act together ?
