Right it’s not a board game per say, but a software implementation of one.
I picked up ‘Elder Sign:Omens’ for the iPad last week which is a pretty faithful rendering of the similarly named board game. For those of you unfamiliar with the game it’s a dice and card game, where to the cards represent encounters that must be completed through the use of dice rolls.
You take the part of a group of four investigators working to prevent the emergence of an elder one; since it’s a cooperative game no one plays the part of said antagonist. Rather its actions and eventual defeat or victory is handled through the outcome of the encounters the investigators perform.
While I’ve only played the iPad version solo, you could conceivably do it multiplayer with each player taking one or more investigates and playing their turn. But I personally think this is really mainly suited for single player usage.
So in summary if you’re looking for a game which captures the look and feel of a dice and card game with a short playing time this would be worth a look.