Blocking Flash pop-up's

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Rev Hellfire
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Blocking Flash pop-up's

Post by Rev Hellfire »

This is a old enough of a tip, but I'm sure there's a few people like me who hadn't happened upon it.
Those of you using Firefox will have noticed that even with pop-up's disabled you are still getting them when visting sites. Well it seems this functionality is been offered through Flash but not picked up by the default block settings in Firefox.

The following steps should sort this nuisance out.
  1. Type about:config into the Firefox location bar.
  2. Right-click on the page and select New and then Integer.
  3. Name it privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins
  4. Set the value to 2.

    The following values are allowed:
    • 0: Allow all popups from plugins.
    • 1: Allow popups, but limit them to dom.popup_maximum.
    • 2: Block popups from plugins.
    • 3: Block popups from plugins, even on whitelisted sites.