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World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:57 am
by Rev Hellfire
I said I'd be strong, but I wasn't.

Once more I find myself in the World of Warcraft having recently resubscribed. I know the good Nog is playing and looking at moving to a European server. So I was wondering who else is playing.

I'm playing orc/warlock on Terenas, but would be happy to move to another server if we had a bunch of us. I know some of the TiG guys where playing on Terenas as well (not sure if they still are), might be fun to get an Irish guild going.

Should be online tonight if anyones about. We can gate crash the TiG teamspeak server :) or I can setup one for darkkeep if there's need.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:05 pm
by ButcherOfNog
Joined up to the Euro server on Friday nite, as did the missus, went for Outlands as Terenas ins't a PvP server, one of my main hobbies as Alliance was killing Horde, so now as Horde, I want to spend my time killing Alliance :)

Seems to be a good few boards players on Outlands, so those were the 2 reasons. Mucking about with a few characters at the moment, all still very low level.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:05 pm
by Foxinsocks
Join us
Jooooinnnn usssss


I have a hunter named Teekhup and a druid named Tyrenn. (horde of course)
He has a hunter named Butcherofnog, a warrior named warriorofnog, and a lock named Wormfood.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:58 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Well all subscribed up.
Just going through the patching process.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:58 am
by Maximilian
I promised myself I wouldn't go back and I'm going to keep that promise.

Honestly, why go back? Entire Saturdays spent raiding, slowly accumulating your epix over the course of weeks. By the time you actually get your set, a new, better one has been introduced. That carrot just keep moving every time you get close. Collecting stupid feathers and rubbish for quests. Argh. Never again.

The Warhammer one looks interesting though. I wonder what epix it has...?

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:04 am
by Rev Hellfire
I know what you mean. I've mostly played solo grouping up with a few others I know on an adhoc basis so the whole mines bigger than yours never really has been an issue.

But I've never actually played PvP warcraft so its something new for me.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:42 am
by Foxinsocks
Well, personally i just find it fun!

I started originally on a non pvp server, and while it was fun, it was just a teeny bit too easy. The pvp server is just FUN. :) I did some end game at level 60, but after my priest got level 70 it became too difficult to get attunement groups, as i was on a US server, and i found myself logging off when most of them were logging on. Hopefully, being on a Euro server will fix that particular problem.

You're right to quit after it just becomes a grind, but it hasnt become that for me yet.


Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:00 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Foxinsocks wrote: You're right to quit after it just becomes a grind
No he's just weak !
Get back into the fray soldier.

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:39 pm
by ButcherOfNog
I'm in it for the deathmatching, and any level over 20 seems about right for that, great fun, as is the battlegrounds ctf. no need for all that raiding $hite :)

Re: World of Warcraft - hooked once more.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:56 pm
by Maximilian
While going through my credit card bill I noticed I never cancelled my account when I quit. So what the hell, I installed it again. What server are you guys on anyway?