Dictator's Turn Thread
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:25 pm
Welcome to the Dictator's Discworld.
In a typical fashion, I set a deadline of 8pm, so the internet crashed out at 7:50pm. So sorry about the delay, but that's a satellite connection from the Bay of Bengal for you.
I've generated the game, play order (hopefully):
Ciego Montero as Russia
Justice as Incans
Byzantine Bureaucracy as England
Mick McNee as China
Philis McGee as America
Ghengis Kant as Mongolia
Agurzil as Random (forgotten which civ it was now, tsk)
Darth Ratzinger as France.
I'm praying to all the Gods I can think of that I got all that right when the game was created. :-\
No biting, no gouging, Enjoy!
(Don't forget to set passwords)
In a typical fashion, I set a deadline of 8pm, so the internet crashed out at 7:50pm. So sorry about the delay, but that's a satellite connection from the Bay of Bengal for you.
I've generated the game, play order (hopefully):
Ciego Montero as Russia
Justice as Incans
Byzantine Bureaucracy as England
Mick McNee as China
Philis McGee as America
Ghengis Kant as Mongolia
Agurzil as Random (forgotten which civ it was now, tsk)
Darth Ratzinger as France.
I'm praying to all the Gods I can think of that I got all that right when the game was created. :-\
No biting, no gouging, Enjoy!
(Don't forget to set passwords)