In ninety eight six...
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:29 pm
As many of you will know I am a man of culture and learning. And as such I feel it is about time we introduce a more refined element into these fora.
And so without further ado I’ll recite a poem that my five year old has recently recited to us over luncheon.
It’s a witty and insightful piece that highlights the admirable qualities of that fine and noble British establishment, the house of Windsor as they dealt with remaining apolitical while providing a moral compass in the height of the Thatcherite years in 1986.
In the ninety eight six,
The queen pulled down her niks,
She licked her bum,
And said yum yum,
It tastes like weetabix.
And so without further ado I’ll recite a poem that my five year old has recently recited to us over luncheon.
It’s a witty and insightful piece that highlights the admirable qualities of that fine and noble British establishment, the house of Windsor as they dealt with remaining apolitical while providing a moral compass in the height of the Thatcherite years in 1986.
In the ninety eight six,
The queen pulled down her niks,
She licked her bum,
And said yum yum,
It tastes like weetabix.