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Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:58 am
by Rev Hellfire
I was talking to Fairy from the Priests of Pain who help admin the SmartGaming servers about the possibility of getting them to run a Civ4 PitBoss server.
And it seems they are prepared to do so.
So the next question is who's up for it and what should we run on it ?

Re: Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:23 pm
by Maximilian
Well, I don't know how pitboss runs or what the hell it does, so I dunno :)

Re: Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:32 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Its for letting people play Civ4 games in a manner like the pbem games, but rather than having to wait for everyone to complete their turn you have a set amount of time in which to submit them.
ie. the turns are done once a day regardless.

more info -> here

Re: Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:56 pm
by MoustachioedDictator
two questions:
1) Can you move a game started without Pitboss on to pitboss (Dictator's could do with it!)
2) Do you have to connect through the piboss application or can you upload your turns through a web browser? Because while away with work, I can't connect my laptop direct to internet, I play the turns on it, then transfer them by USB key to my work machine for upload.

Re: Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:09 pm
by Rev Hellfire
I'm not sure if you can transfer an existing pbem game to a PitBoss.

As for playing the turns you do that with the civ4 game itself.

Re: Civ4 PitBoss Server

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:38 pm
by MoustachioedDictator
it won't work for me i fear :( Don't think I can handle a new game at the moment anyway... four is quite a lot.