Official: King of the Hill
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:46 am
There can be only one.
Our alpine adventure draws to a close. His pius excellency Comrade has led his highlanders to absolute victory.
I have attached a save game from the last turn, password is password since I couldn't seem to leave it blank. You end the turn to see the game replay.
I mark this a victory for free thinking political ideals, finishing the game in emancipated representative government with free speech and religion afforded to all. The tyrannical commie-nazis with their police states and state property failed to overcome the righteous power of Freedom*.
I am especially pleased with the synergy afforded by the civics and wonders. The combination of the Statue of Liberty, Mercantalism and Representation gives 6 raw beakers per turn for free. Adding the Eiffel Tower and the Sistine Chapel to Free Speech, a brand new city is afforded 30 culture a turn. This largesse of wonder benefits is obviously part and parcel of having a super capital, that dare I say, outstrips even the ruins of Jihad in splendour.
We thoroughly enjoyed the romp in the hilly woodlands, and commiserate with our foes. The Vietnamese had some good cities, and popping an early great prophet with only 9% odds allowed for otherwise unaffordable expansion.
Our particular best wishes to Justice for going down with his ship, and in commendable spirits on the surface at least.
I trust my fellow dictators will forgive my arrogant horn blowing, because if I don't, my horn may remain unblown. A tragedy indeed.
*Registered trade mark of G.W. Bush and associates.