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Short Notice - airsoft

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:10 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Its short notice I know, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Myself and the good Butcher are planning on giving airsoft a go over the weekend.
There's a place just outside Drogehda which does it if anyone here has wheels and would be interested in giving it a try.
It looks like paint ball with proper guns or an adults versions of lets pretend we're playing counter-strike :D

I was thinking of Saturday morning, the place opens at 10 from what I gather.

Then after that its back to teach Hellfire and evening of mild inebriation awaits.

Drogehda Airsoft
Drogehda Airsoft - Blog

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:57 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Well having seen a tiny bit of the airsoft stuff out at drogheda with Nog, I must say I was impressed. It looks a laugh.
Now all I need to be is strong and not get anything like this.

Its just a pity that saturday turned out to be a complete washout with the rain, next time...