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Games Locker - New Games

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:12 pm
by Rev Hellfire
May as well create a thread for game shout outs.

So anyone planning on getting Ace of Spades? Which is basically Minecraft with guns and stuff.
I'm planning on picking this up for the young chap this evening who's totally mad into Minecraft, though I'm tempted to also pick up a copy for myself.

On a side note, hurry up and get Planetside II and join me on Woodman as VS. Its free to play and excellent. If you where a tribes fan you'll love it.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:10 pm
by ButcherOfNog
I got it, tried it, too in depth for my short game playing stints at the moment. Will probably play a bit of it over Christmas.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:22 am
by Blitzkrieger
Had a list of tasks to do Saturday. Task No.2 was to install Dead Island and verify it was working. I got 2 tasks done Saturday.

Not exactly a new game, but if you haven't tried it already, I'd definitely recommend it. I was expecting something life Left for Dead with more of a story line, but it's more like GTA with zombies. The game has some critics and it's far from perfect. I was playing for about 8 hours and only just picked up my first gun. Still haven't found any bullets though...

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:12 am
by Crosáidí
Played Dead Island when it first came out, it was buggy as shit but still a great game.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:17 pm
by Rev Hellfire
So anyone see anything in the steam sale?
Picked up Walking Dead season pass for myself, heard good things about it.
If you haven't got Bastion get it, the narrator is the man. Its in the vote for the community choice so hold off to see how that goes.

Picked up some credit for PlanetSide on the 3 for 1 yesterday to pimp my magrider out.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:35 pm
by justice
was gifted dota 2 in steam.

im hooked, and still only playing with bots.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:07 pm
by MoustachioedDictator
2nd the shout for Bastion, I picked it for a fiver last year, possibly the best fiver ever spent. Best narrator ever, great story, well told, fantastic music and one of the best endings I've ever enjoyed. I got IDs RAGE at the same time and the contrast of style versus substance couldn't have been clearer.

I was thinking of picking up Far Cry 3, anybody played it? I never played the first 2 but this one got good reviews. The only problem is that if a title is big enough, with a big enough marketing budget, it's guaranteed good reviews from the main mouthpieces.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:51 pm
by ButcherOfNog
Registered on Woodman as VS now, went up a few levels but having a few issues:
1. The game is crashing frequently (updating my GFX drivers, that might fix that)
2. Finding it hard to identify friends from foes in fire-fights, especially when running around in a base.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:09 pm
by Rev Hellfire
Yeah the game it seems to prone to teh odd crash, though I've not experienced them myself.
Getting on at weekend nights can be a bit tricky, but all mmos are like that.

I've sent you a friend request (teacup) so at least we'll be able to sync up when we're next online at the same time.
Should be on later tonight.