Battlefield 2 - 1.2 to 1.21 patch
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:21 am
Electronic Arss have released the patch for the patch for soon to be finished Battlefield 2.
This patch sees DICE/EA getting around to fixing the following:
- Fixed the Hmmwv with TOW crash on Battlefield 2: Special Forces maps
- Fixed the Battle Recorder crash
- Fixed the screen capture
- Fixed the issue with Pixel Shader 1.4 video cards
- Fixed the issue that caused heat seeking missiles to stick to oil towers
- Fixed the issue that caused heat seaking missiles to ziz-zag
- Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
- Fixed the Server Browser filter to enable search by map name
- Fixed the error in Client
- Server communication causing sound, animation and other sync issues.