I'm receiving quite a number of requests to create channels for people on the IOL teamspeak server.
I'd like to take this opportunity to inform people that I actually don't use said server. My sole involvement with it is to ensure it keeps running.
If you need to have a channel registered (anyone can create a channel) you need to ask on of the TeamSpeak admins (which are separate to the admin's on this site).
There's a link on the server and in the motd which details how to go about finding such mythical entities.
Teamspeak Channels
Moderators: MoustachioedDictator, deadl0ck
Re: Teamspeak Channels
sorry i dont know did i write a good post but i have problem i dont have channel admin on ts so i cant change date every month and i want change name room so if somebody can give me this RCA i will be very happy :) name of Room is 1|worms Team| My nick is Pumas