It seems that Quake IV is back in vogue and as such I've been asked to put up a Quake IV server which is now running on games4.
Its running the 1.4.1 beta patch which can be downloaded from idsoftware.
I'm a simple soul and haven't played the beautiful game (that's quake II) or its off shoots in quite some time much less set-up a server.
So as such I've included the config I'm using in the post below for you lot to criticise and critique . Feel free to make suggestions.
Quake IV Server
Moderators: MoustachioedDictator, deadl0ck
- Rev Hellfire
- Senior Member
- Posts: 2495
- Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:10 pm
Re: Quake IV Server
The server has been updated to run Q4Max
The following is the config file
The following files are also installed:
Placebo Effect - http://xouboudou.free.fr/quake4/maps/duel/wvwq4dm1.zip
Torment - http://q4files.escapedturkey.net/quake4 ... _final.pk4
Ravage - http://q4files.escapedturkey.net/quake4 ... nq4dm4.pk4
[CMP]Walls of Hate - http://www.g0th.se/files/map_g0thdm1.rar
The following is the config file
Code: Select all
// Template Server Config
seta si_name "Louts from Louth(Q4Max)@Ireland Online"
seta g_motd "Yea boy yea" // change this!
// Note, the more of the following info sets you include, the more data is pulled on every server browse. Crop them if you dont want them
sets ".Administrator" "Mr. Bogman" //It's you!
sets ".Email" "no email here" //change this!
sets ".URL" "[url]http://iol.ie"[/url] //change this!
//Good idea to list all the maps needed on your server on the website too...
seta net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "?????????????????????????"
seta ref_password "" // Referee password.
seta si_usePass "0" // Set to 1 if clients require a password.
seta g_password "" // client password required if si_usePass 1
seta si_privatePlayers "0" //number of private player slots. public slots = maxplayers - privateplayers
seta g_privatePassword "" //password required to use private slots.
// There are a lot of controls for voting. Some server admins may want to enable everything and let
// the users decide. Others may want to enforce a strict set of rules.
// Q4max aims to make these decisions easy for server admins to implement.
// First off, basic rules for voting
seta si_allowVoting "1" // Blanket ban on voting if 0. Not recommended.
seta vote_limit "5" // Number of votes a client can do. 0 is unlimited.
seta vote_percent "51" // Percentage of positives required. Recommend 51. Higher can seem like a good idea, but normally ends up with one trouble maker screwing it up for everyone else.
// Then some important vote decisions
seta vote_allow_referee "1" // If you don't want elected refs, set to 0. 1 makes life easier for Clanbase and similar internet competitions.
seta vote_allow_map "1" // Recommend always allow map voting, unless you enforce a map cycle.
// Then the rest of the vote decisions - see the Votes doc page for more
seta vote_allow_xgosounds "1"
seta vote_allow_weaponrespawn "1"
seta vote_allow_warmup "1"
seta vote_allow_timelimit "1"
seta vote_allow_teamdamage "1"
seta vote_allow_selfdamage "1"
seta vote_allow_scorelimit "1"
seta vote_allow_restart "1"
seta vote_allow_remove "1"
seta vote_allow_random "1"
seta vote_allow_poweruprespawn "1"
seta vote_allow_overtime "1"
seta vote_allow_nextmap "1"
seta vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
seta vote_allow_modelsounds "1"
seta vote_allow_kick "1"
seta vote_allow_footsteps "1"
seta vote_allow_falldamage "1"
seta vote_allow_dropweapons "1"
seta vote_allow_droppowerups "1"
seta vote_allow_buymode "1"
seta vote_allow_autobalance "1"
seta vote_allow_armorsystem "1"
seta vote_allow_armordecay "1"
seta sv_punkbuster "1" //server side punkbuster
seta si_pure "1" //server does not allow any modified paks. Leave this at 1
seta si_warmup "1" //do warmup
seta si_useready "1" //don't start a game unless everyone is ready
seta si_minPlayers "2" //min to start a game (when warmup enabled)
seta si_maxPlayers "12" //max players allowed in games
seta si_numPlayers "12" //max players allowed on server
seta si_spectators "1" //allow spectators or force all to play
seta g_spectatorChat "1" //let spectators talk to everyone during game
seta si_autobalance "0" // Autobalancing of teams - 0/1
seta g_feedScorebot "1" // Ensable scores in server info.
seta sv_logXMLStats "0" // Enable XML dumps of the match stats
seta g_allowLockteams "1" // Allow everyone to use lockteam. On 0, only referees can lock/unlock.
seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // Force clients to spec on first joining a teammgame if 0, or allow automatic join if 1.
seta g_allowMultipov "1" // Enables/disables the 'multipov' command for clients. Server admins should only set this if they have stability issues with multipov
// This is how Q4max handles different gametypes. si_gametype is no longer required.
seta si_mode "CA" // This is the default mode. DM for the tournament mode, FFA, TDM, CTF etc.
seta si_modes "" // This is the list of available modes, space separated. "" for all.
seta net_lanserver "0" //1 for LAN-only servers, 0 for internet servers.
seta net_serverAllowServerMod "1" //allow server-side mods
/// WARNING: The following two cvars can seriously affect performance. If you are expecting large numbers on the server, you may wish to
/// adjust the settings from those given here. To improve performance, either raise net_serverSnapshotDelay, or lower si_fps, or both.
/// Q4MP defaults for these cvars are 80 and 60 respectively.
/// We do not currently recommend si_fps 125 combined with a low value of net_serverSnapshotDelay unless the server and all clients are known
/// to be of a high enough spec (eg LAN tournaments), however testing shows that a 90/30 combination provides a good compromise.
seta net_serverSnapshotDelay "30" // delay between snapshots in milliseconds, default is 80.
set si_fps "90" // The game ticrate. This affects both server and client performance.
// Downloads
// if you want to use an external HTTP server, use these settings:
set net_serverDownload 2 // enable auto download via HTTP server
set net_serverDlBaseURL "[url]http://q4files.quakecommunity.com/quake4/pk4s/"[/url] // autodl will take this address, and append q4base/map_name.pk4 to it
set net_serverDlTable "*" // these are the pk4's that can be downloaded.
// if you want to use the built in HTTP server, use these settings:
// set net_serverDownload 3 // enable auto download via built in HTTP server
// set net_serverDlBaseURL ""
// set net_serverDlTable "*"
// If you want to use URL redirection (why??) use this:
// seta net_serverDownload "1" // enable URL redirection for clients who dont have all necessary files
// seta si_serverURL "[url]http://www.q4max.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ"[/url] // change this to a web page with a list of your maps if you have custom content
// Q4TV
// These settings will spawn a repeater for Q4TV broadcasting.
// We recommend you stick to a little number of viewers that dedicated repeater slaves (with many viewer slots) will connect to. This will be easier on your server.
set net_spawnRepeater "1" // Spawn the repeater when the server is spawned
setr ri_name "My Q4TV" // Custom name for the repeater, will show instead of the source's si_name
set ri_maxViewers "2" // Maximum number of viewers to allow
// set ri_privateViewers "" // Number of private viewer slots
// set ri_useViewerPass "1" // use viewerPassword (or not)
// set g_viewerPassword "viewerpass" // Password for viewers
// set g_privateViewerPassword "" // Password for private viewer slots. Clients need to set privatePassword to this value when connecting.
// set g_repeaterPassword "repeaterpass" // Password for repeater slaves. These need to set privatePassword to this value when connecting.
// set g_notvchat "0" //Server side control to allow TV spectator chat.
// set net_repeaterPort "" // repeater port. default is 28104.
seta logFile "0" // 0-no logging 1-buffer log 2-flush after each print - 1 should be fine in most cases
seta logFileName "q4mconsole.log" // name of logfile
seta com_logMPStats "0" // writing of multiplayer stats to StatisticsLog.txt
// For FFA and CTF servers, you may want to build a map cycle.
// if set, g_mapCycle will be preferred to si_mapCycle
// Only set one of these options at a time, i.e, set the unused one to "" instead of commenting it out.
// g_mapCycle takes precedence over si_mapCycle but play it safe with the above rule.
// Likewise, if you want no mapcycle to be used, set the two options to "".
seta g_mapCycle "" //this uses .scriptcfg files
seta si_mapCycle "mp/q4dm7;mp/q4dm3;mp/q4dm2;mp/q4dm5;mp/q4dm4;mp/q4dm1;mp/q4dm8"
seta si_map "mp/q4dm7" // Default map.
// Comment "heartbeat" out if running a LAN only server
// (see net_LANserver "1" under NETWORK)
// Q4Max Template 0.78b
// Q4Max team, with thanks to sLater.
Placebo Effect - http://xouboudou.free.fr/quake4/maps/duel/wvwq4dm1.zip
Torment - http://q4files.escapedturkey.net/quake4 ... _final.pk4
Ravage - http://q4files.escapedturkey.net/quake4 ... nq4dm4.pk4
[CMP]Walls of Hate - http://www.g0th.se/files/map_g0thdm1.rar